Monday, January 20, 2025



How sad for America and the world that a totally worthless piece of garbage, a truly deplorable and despicable human being, a convicted felon and indicted traitor, completely devoid of intelligence, character, integrity, honor, humanity, sympathy, and empathy who does not possess a single redeeming positive human quality or value, who does not care one ounce about anyone or anything but himself and who has never performed a single totally unselfish act in his entire adult life will be sworn in as 47th President of the United States today. 

For the next 4 years it will be very literally impossible to believe anything that is said by the President of the United States!

It is vital for the future of our freedoms and our democracy that every intelligent and patriotic American with a conscience aggressively oppose and denounce and fight to defeat every action attempted by Trump and today’s racist and repressive Religious Right controlled Republican Party, and going forward to defeat every Republican candidate for every office in every election at every level.


Friday, January 10, 2025



The first BUZZ of 2025!

* ACCOUNTING TODAY tells us “Private debt collectors recovered fraction of tax debts – (highlight is mine)  

TIGTA found that since April 2017, the IRS has assigned the PCAs more than 7.6 million taxpayer accounts, worth more than $64.9 billion. By March 2024, the PCAs had successfully collected more than $2.4 billion in payments.”

I have always opposed the use of private collection agencies – and this report proves that they are not effective.

*  KIPLINGER.COM provides “Two for One:Best and Worst Places to Retire in America”.

No surprise – my former home state of NJ is #49 – the second worst place to retire.  My current home state of PA is #10 on the best place list.

What is surprising is that Florida is considered the best place to retire – odd considering it’s repressive and fascist state government.

* And NJ is #2 – on the list of “The 10 states with the highest property taxes on homeowners” from ACCOUNTING TODAY that is.

The Garden State was beat out for the #1 spot by Illinois.

* Over at TAXABLE TALK Russ Fox has announced “The 2024 Tax Offender of the Year”.

* Andy Weiner explains “Why Filing A Tax Return Is More Important Than Paying Tax” at FORBES.COM.


 A not so fun fact:

Trump won the popular vote in 2024 by less than Hillary won the popular vote in 2016.

Trump won by 2.3 Million votes.  Hillary won by 2.9 Million votes.

Yet the outdated Electoral College put Trump in the White House both times.


Monday, January 6, 2025



This post, which I issue every year at this time, is for all of the journalists and bloggers out there.

When writing about taxes this filing season DO NOT advise your clients to ask, consult, contact, or talk to your CPA or a CPA!

The correct advice is – ask, consult, contact, or talk to your or a tax professional.

The mere existence of the initials “CPA” after a person’s name does not in any way, shape, or form indicate that he or she knows his or her arse from a hole in the ground when it comes to preparing 1040s.

The initials related to competence in preparing 1040s are EA for Enrolled Agent.

A particular CPA may indeed be competent and experienced in preparing 1040s, and many are, but it is only because of the education, training, experience, and other factors that are unique to that specific individual, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the initials “CPA”. 

And that specific individual is just one of your many choices among tax professionals.

Got it?



Wednesday, January 1, 2025



By embracing and supporting Trump as its 2024 Presidential candidate today’s Republican Party and its leadership and elected officials have proven beyond any doubt that it does not care one ounce about American freedoms and democracy, true American values, the Constitution, and the rule of law.

In the entirety of US history Trump is the absolute worst human being to hold the office of President, and the absolute worst choice for President, or any elected or appointed office of power.

In 2025 we must vocally and aggressively oppose and denounce Trump and today’s Republican Party and its racist and repressive plans and policies while continuing to call for holding Trump legally responsible for his multitude of state and federal crimes.

And we must work to defeat every Republican candidate for every election at every level.


Friday, December 27, 2024



The last BUZZ of 2024!

* The Instructions for the 2024 Form 1040 and 1040-SR are available at the IRS website.

* Here is some good news for 2025, a year that very likely could be a disaster for the US and the world (i.e. Trump presidency).  Key Bell reports “IRS sending up to $1,400 to1 million who missed out on COVID stimulus checks in 2021” at DON’T MESS WITH TAXES –

The Internal Revenue Service is sending out holiday gifts this month to around a million people. The recipients are people who were eligible for, but did not claim, the 2021 Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC).

By the end of next month, they should have the funds in hand, or directly deposited into their bank accounts.”


The IRS examination of its records found that around one million eligible taxpayers who did not automatically get an EIP also did not claim the tax credit. While they filed a 2021 tax return, they left the data field for the Recovery Rebate Credit blank or filled out that section as $0 when they actually qualified for the credit.”

* ACCOUNTING TODAY identifies “The best and worst states for individual taxes in 2025” as per a recent Tax Foundation study.

My former home state of New Jersey is making progress.  The Garden State is no longer last on the list.  It is #48 – the 3rd least competitive state for individual income taxes for 2025. 

* The latest in the FinCEN BOI saga: “Updates to Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Deadlines – Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements Now in Effect, with Deadline Extensions” -

In light of a December 23, 2024, federal Court of Appeals decision, reporting companies, except as indicated below, are once again required to file beneficial ownership information with FinCEN.”

* But wait – Russ Fox just reported “I’m Not Making This Up: BOI Is Stayed Again” –

“ . . . the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed the previous ruling, and once again the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) are again stayed nationally.”


There is nothing to celebrate about 2024 and the approaching 2025.  November 2024 saw the re-election of the absolute worst human being to hold the office of President, and the absolute worst choice for President, or any elected or appointed office of power, in the history of the United States.

By embracing and supporting Trump as its 2024 Presidential candidate today’s Republican Party and its leadership and elected officials have proven beyond any doubt that it does not care one ounce about American freedoms and democracy, true American values, the Constitution, and the rule of law.

In 2025 we must vocally and aggressively oppose and denounce Trump and today’s Republican Party and its racist and repressive plans and policies while continuing to call for holding Trump legally responsible for his multitude of state and federal crimes.

And we must work to defeat every Republican candidate for every election at every level.

From a tax point of view – expect substantial federal tax legislation to be passed sometime in 2025.


Friday, December 20, 2024



* The IRS has finally released the 2025 Standard Mileage Allowance rates. “IRS increases the standard mileage rate for business use in 2025; key rate increases 3 cents to70 cents per mile

Beginning Jan. 1, 2025, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car, van, pickup or panel truck will be:

70 cents per mile driven for business use, up 3 cents from 2024.

21 cents per mile driven for medical purposes, the same as in 2024.

21 cents per mile driven for moving purposes for qualified active-duty members of the Armed Forces, unchanged from last year.

14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations, equal to the rate in 2024.

The rates apply to fully-electric and hybrid automobiles, as well as gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles.”

* Josephine Nesbit provides a guide for “How To File Your 2024 Taxes: Step-by-Step Guide for Accurate Tax Filing” at MSN.COM.

* It’s that time of year again – time for the 2024 PNC Christmas Price Index – (highlight is mine)  

On the first day of Christmas, holiday gift giving begins with the traditional gift of a Partridge in a Pear Tree. By the first day of January, True Love pays the credit card bill reflective of the increase in the cost to buy that gift and the 11 others in PNC’s Christmas Price Index. The index – a whimsical tabulation of the price to gift all 12 items in the song The Twelve Days of Christmas - will cost $49,263.47 in 2024, a 5.4% increase from 2023.”

* Russ Fox tells us “Nominations Due for the 2024 Tax Offender of the Year” at TAXABLE TALK.

Who would you like to nominate?


Growing up the Christianity I was taught in church, Sunday School and at home was one of peace, love, equality, understanding, and empathy.  In my youth Christian social, political, and community action had nothing to do with “evangelizing” or spreading, or enforcing, the word (distorted or otherwise) but just doing good works - promoting civil rights and helping the underprivileged – based on the actual teachings of Christ.  I am not religious, but this true Christian upbringing helped to shape my life and actions.

Sadly, it appears this is no longer the Christianity taught today.